Situated in one of the sleepy coffee estates of Virajpet taluk of Coorg, is the gym conceptualized and developed by Mars Adventures, Bangalore. Don't get afraid with name gym; the "jungle gym" is a series of physical activities designed to boost self confidence and morale coupled with brought alive by marvelous engineering effort. It is also widely known as Rope Challenge Course.
Have you ever been thrilled about commando exercises? Imagined walking literally on a tightrope? Or daring to challenge yourself to overcome fear of heights? 'Jungle gym' is exactly the place you would die to visit.
The reception is curved out of fallen trees.
The look and feel has been kept adapt with the surrounding nature.
There is something special about the way standing platforms are constructed - are you smart enough to notice bullock cart wheel?
Wall of rope net, it takes persistence to cross this.
This wooden bridge weights more than a ton; how did it rise up there without a crane? Neeraj took up Rohan's challenge and crossed it in less than 30 seconds, how? Looking for answers?
(Swinging Plank Walk)
Kamesh Sir leading from the front - as a participant.
Nothing less than tightrope walking
(Single Rope Walk)
Balance and keeping the correct foot is the key; so true with life as well.
(Swinging Log Walk)
Neeraj crossing the Barrel
(Barrel Crawl)
Wish real horse ride would be this smooth
(Horse Ride)
Zip Line - gives you the feeling of flying without wings.
(Zip Line)
Ever rode a cycle in the air?
(Bicycle Ride)
The combination of self confidence, right technique and perseverance can get you through this
(Zig-Zag Swinging Log Walk)
Not everything in life is a cakewalk, this is where we need guidance and experience to keep balance
(Pole Walk)
(Pole Walk)
Every ride is smooth in the end if we stay commited, the visit to jungle gum turns out to be a more spiritual experience with nature being our guru exposing our own strengths and weaknesses; thanks to Mars Adventures for setting it up amidst stunning beauty without harming nature.
-- By Rohan